From foster youth to foster care advocate
“Having a permanent home laid the foundation for my success. It also inspired me to pay it forward, because it’s up to each of us to share the opportunities we’ve had with the next generation.”
“Having a permanent home laid the foundation for my success. It also inspired me to pay it forward, because it’s up to each of us to share the opportunities we’ve had with the next generation.”
A couple who almost abandoned their adoption plans and three siblings who spent their lives in care become a family.
When Tim Young set out to adopt two teens with special needs, he was presented with a lot of potential pitfalls. Luckily for Summer and Raymond, Tim was determined.
A foster care supervisor talks about adopting as a single mother and helping her daughters overcome past traumas.
Lissa and Tim Bowen became experts in trauma-informed care and made new plans for their future after adopting a son from foster care.
A couple looks beyond a teen’s rebellion to see her strengths and desire to be adopted.