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Jamerika and the Johnsons smiling outside of a buildingWhat I want foster and adoptive parents to know October 25, 2022 I went into foster care at the age of five years old. When I meet foster and adoptive parents, here…
The Moffitt family in their Christmas jammies.You don’t have to be special…you just need to be willing March 26, 2024 Kayla Moffitt will always remember the moment that she shared her desire to adopt a child from foster care with…
Ahgren family of five leans against bridge for family photo.Sibling bonds: Three families share their stories of adopting siblings   January 26, 2024 Hear from three families as they share their stories of growing their families through sibling group adoptions.
The Green family all together and holding a banner that says, "We are the village."Parents adopt 6 siblings from foster care: “The love is forever” August 7, 2023 Discover how adopting from foster care has brought more love and fulfillment to this family than they could have imagined.
Family of four wearing sunglasses and waving out of a car window on a sunny daySummer ideas for kids in foster care or adoptive homes July 3, 2023 Surf's up! Here's how to make this summer a great one.
Ann Marie and James Root.Growing together: how a family of five adopted a teen they knew February 5, 2024 Ann Marie Root and her husband, James, became foster and adoptive parents to a teen who was friends with their…
A couple walking and smiling, looking at their childTransracial parenting resources March 9, 2023 Are you caring for children or youth of another race or culture? These resources will help you support your child’s…
Mother comforting teenage daughter while sitting on couch.Understanding trauma-responsive parenting  June 10, 2024 Children and youth who have experience trauma benefit from trauma-informed parenting methods that specifically address their needs.
Family of seven smiling together shoulder to shoulderFoster and adoptive mom of 15 years: “Teens are great!” September 1, 2023 Melissa is the adoptive mother of three children and continues to foster many more. Here's her advice.
Grandparents playing with a child at a celebration with balloonsMaintaining contact between birth and adoptive families July 5, 2023 Maintaining contact with birth families is important to a child’s sense of belonging and well-being. And there are a lot…