“Respect, don’t judge, be flexible…” A mother shares her golden rules of foster parenting
Rebecca Lahue aged out of foster care when she was 19 years old. Since that time, she’s fostered more than 60 children and adopted a teen from foster care.
Rebecca Lahue aged out of foster care when she was 19 years old. Since that time, she’s fostered more than 60 children and adopted a teen from foster care.
“Like a good social worker, a good foster parent is passionate about helping kids. They don’t give up when things get hard. They can continue to love, no matter what happens.”
A Mississippi social worker talks about the qualities of a good foster parent, including honoring a child’s culture and working toward reunification.
A Mississippi licensing specialist talks about how she supports foster parents and what’s kept her doing this job for the last 10 years.
This month—and every month—we celebrate the foster parents, volunteers, and others who are helping to create success and lasting connections for children in foster care.
Lindsey Cox understands the challenges and rewards of adopting from foster care, because she’s both a caseworker and a foster mom: “It’s one thing to be trained; it’s another thing to live your job.”