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Path to parenthood

A couple sits on a couch and smiles as they look at an ipad

While you wait: preparing to be matched

While you prepare for your first placement, you may feel anxious, impatient, and hopeful—all in a single day. These six actions can help you as you wait.

Jeanmarie Moore family

“Plans change. God laughs.”

Jeanmarie Moore and her husband, Greg, never planned to adopt. Today, they are the parents of 11 children—seven by birth and four through adoption.

Antonio Fannin

Outstanding Caseworker: Antonio Fannin

Hear from outstanding caseworker Antonio Fannin. “It’s my goal to help the children settle in and ensure that they—and the parents—get the support they need.”

Solomon family

“Our dozen is always buzzin!”

“Has being a family of 12 been easy? No! Our journey has been full of ups and downs, like a roller coaster ride. But roller coasters are full of adventure too!”