Are you caring for children or youth of another race or culture? If so, these resources will help you support your child or youth’s well-being and development of a positive racial and cultural identity.
Podcasts, blogs, and social media from transracial adoptees
- Born in June, Raised in April is a podcast hosted by April Dinwoodie, who was adopted transracially.
- Harlow’s Monkey is a blog by JaeRan Kim that covers intercountry adoption and transracial adoption.
- The Transracial Adoption Facebook page is a group with over 8,000 members.
- The Adopted Life is a video series by Angela Tucker, who was adopted by white parents.
Transracial adoption resources you can find online
- On the Transracial and Transcultural Families page of the Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York website, you’ll find resources on cultural competency, racism and microaggressions, and international adoption support.
- Families Rising has a Transracial Parenting page with many helpful articles.
Transracial parenting books
AdoptUSKids recommends the following books for parents on the topic of transracial parenting.
- Black Anthology: Adult Adoptees Claim Their Space, by Susan Harris O’Connor and Diane Rene Christian
- Black Baby, White Hands, by Jaiya John
- Growing Up Black in White, by Kevin Hofmann
- I’m Chocolate, You’re Vanilla, by Marguerite A. White
- Inside Transracial Adoption, by Beth Hall & Gail Steinberg
- In Their Voices: Black Americans on Transracial Adoption, by Rhonda Roorda
- In Their Own Voices: Transracial Adoptees Tell Their Stories, by Rita James Simon & Rhonda Roorda
- Outsiders Within, by Trenka, Oparah & Shin
- The Harris Narratives, by Susan Harris O’Connor