Today there are more than 117,000 children and teens in foster care waiting for the love and stability that a permanent family provides. And each year, almost 20,000 young people age out of care before being adopted.
That’s why AdoptUSKids, in partnership with the Children’s Bureau and the Ad Council, is shining a spotlight on teen adoption.
PSAs inspired by true stories
Our new PSAs are inspired by true stories of teens adopted from foster care. The heartfelt work shows the impact adoptive teens and parents have on each other.
Many prospective parents look forward to early life moments, such as celebrating a child’s first day of school. But people often don’t think of the rewards that can come with raising a teen. The new PSAs build on previous campaign efforts to showcase how the relationships between adoptive teens and parents grow through steady love, support, and understanding. It’s all about the little moments that strengthen a family’s bond.
Watch all adoption recruitment PSAs on the AdoptUSKids YouTube channel and read more about the campaign on our website.