Michaela Granger and her husband, Tim, fell into becoming foster parents when one of Tim’s nephews needed care. They planned to adopt him, but a year later he was returned to his parents.
Michaela—who spent her teenage years in foster care—says the experience of fostering the little boy “sparked something” in her and Tim.
Soon Tim and Michaela were taking the necessary steps to adopt children from the foster care system. In their search for children, their criteria were well defined, very specific—and a bit different than most prospective parents.
“Early on we decided that we wanted to foster and adopt the children who were considered ‘difficult to place,’ those with multiple challenges and were therefore the least likely to find permanent homes. We were confident that we could provide supportive environment where any child could realize his full potential.”
Following their dream, six years ago Michaela and Tim moved into “Generations of Hope/Hope Meadows,” an intentional, intergenerational community of families who are raising foster and adoptive children.
Generations of Hope/Hope Meadows was built on a former military base 20 years ago. It is funded through a mix of public and private support. The community consists of 12 family homes, each with 6–7 bedrooms. There is also housing for senior citizens, who receive reduced rent in exchange for volunteering their time and energy as foster grandparents to the children. On-site services include caseworkers and an afterschool program.
Since moving to Generations of Hope/Hope Meadows, Michaela and Tim have adopted a son, who was first listed on the AdoptUSKids website when he was four. He is now a thriving eight year old. They have also adopted a brother-and-sister sibling group.
“Our children have come to us with so many behaviors and diagnoses, the consequences of being shuffled around—losing attachment, gaining attachment. It has taken time, but they are settled and thriving. It is a process of healing.”
Today Michaela and Tim are once again registered as an adoptive family on the AdoptUSKids website. They are hoping to adopt another sibling group.
“There is not a whole lot that we have not seen or experienced. We continue to believe we are an awesome family, and that we are not through growing our family through adoption.”