Keeping an open mind
Nicole Hayward says her son was “everything we never knew we wanted.”
AdoptUSKids authors include experts in child welfare, communications, evaluation, and/or technology from across the United States. Together, they drive the AdoptUSKids project, as it supports foster and adoptive families, raises awareness about the nationwide need for more of these families, and provides resources to child welfare systems and professionals.
Nicole Hayward says her son was “everything we never knew we wanted.”
“Our job is to make our kids the good people of tomorrow.”
Barry Farmer says that parenting is about compassion, managing expectations, and working hard.
Being adopted gave Michael Davis a stable foundation and encouragement to pursue his dreams.
After fostering 40 children and adopting 2, the Hrabovskys are leading a foster ministry.
Reginald and Wesley relocated to Washington, DC, to marry and adopt.